Monday, July 31, 2006


It's coming to the end of July of 2006 - I recently read a blog of an old high school classmate and was inspired to start writing to this blog which I had set up a while ago. I hadn't realized I set this up in early 2005. Time does fly by.

I'm still interested in the same issues which interested me back then. I'm an Asian-American from Hawaii living in the Northeast US. I went from a majority group in Hawaii to one of many minorities. I have a pet peeve about the lack of understanding that Asian-Americans are not Asians and should not be classified together with foreign nationals from Asia. There are also fine divisions between different ancestries - I'm both Japanese-American and Okinawan-American (Uchinanchu). They are very different from other Asian countries (e.g., China or Korea) and very different from each other. And Japanese-Americans from Hawaii are different from those on the mainland ("katonks").


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