Monday, August 14, 2006

Driving to Camp

I spent most of today driving my daughter and a couple of her friends from Ithaca to a resident basketball camp in the Adirondacks, a little more than four-hours drive from here.

Growing up in Hawaii, if I went away to Boy Scout camp, it was about a 40 minute drive to a campsite on the other side of the island (Camp Pupukea). Later on, if we went on extended trips with the Iolani Concert Band, we would need to take the thirty minute drive to the airport. The unique location of Hawaii makes the driving minimal - if it's drivable, it's not going to take you very long to get there on Oahu. If you go any further you have to fly.

Now that I live on the mainland and I have to do much more driving to take care of family activities, I still think we missed out a lot growing up on Oahu. There are so many more places available to visit and explore here on the East Coast. You can even drive to Alaska if you had the time and inclination (I know people who have driven from Alaska to Ithaca).

Up through high school I never really found the subject of history very interesting - but now here on the mainland, where you can actually see the sites where a lot of the history took place, everything suddenly become interesting and relevant.

Given the choice, I'm glad I'm living where I am now.


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